What Are the Most Common Reasons Why My Lawn Won't Grow?
If you want your lawn to look as good as possible, you know you must take care of it. Whether you have friends to invite over, children who want to play outside, or are simply looking for a way to increase your property values, you want your lawn to look as beautiful as possible. With that in mind, what are a few of the top reasons why your grass might not be growing? Take a look at the list below and remember to reach out to local professionals who can help you. Your Lawn Does Not Get Enough Sun The first reason why your grass might not be growing at that your lawn simply does not get enough sun. If you have a lot of tall trees surrounding your house, your grass may get a lot of heavy shade. Many types of grass require at least six hours of direct sunlight every day in order to grow well. If you need help creating more sunshine in your yard, you may want to reach out to a lawn care expert who can help you. The Nutrient Profile Might Be Off There is also a chance that the nu...