What Happens To Your Lawn in the Winter?

If you live in the local Toledo, Ohio area, then you know that the temperature is beginning to drop outside. As a result, you need to make sure that your lawn is ready for the winter season. There are a number of impacts that the winter weather can have on your lawn. You need to rely on a professional who can assist you with lawn care. What are a few of the biggest ways that the winter weather might impact your lawn?

Your Grass Might Go Dormant or Undergo Desiccation

The first impact of the winter weather is that your grass might go dormant. This means that your grass might look dead; however, it is still technically alive. When the weather begins to warm up again, your grass should return green and bright. Usually, this takes place during the spring.

On the other hand, there are still some situations where parts of your lawn might not survive. This takes place through a process called desiccation. What happens is that the extreme cold leads to a tremendous amount of moisture loss. Then, snow and ice do not allow moisture to reach the roots of your grass, leading to desiccation.


Some Grass Could Continue Growing

Even though a lot of grass will go dormant during the winter, this is not always the case. Some types of grass will continue growing, particularly if they tend to thrive in colder conditions. If you find that your grass is still growing, you should keep mowing it. That way, you can keep your lawn happy and healthy. Different types of grass go dormant under different circumstances, so understand what type of grass you have and how it responds to the cold weather.

The Risk of Snow Mold

One of the biggest threats to your lawn during the winter is called snow mold. During the winter season in Toledo, you need to be on the lookout for snow mold. This is a specific type of fungus that impacts lawns that are covered by snow. If you allow snow mold to spread across your grass, it can kill your entire lawn. Therefore, this is something you need to respond to as quickly as possible. This mold looks white, so it can be difficult to spot underneath the snow. The best way to deal with this threat is to prevent it from happening in the first place.

Winter Pest Control

Pest control is another significant threat during the winter. As your lawn begins to go dormant, there are pests, such as voles, that might feed on your grass. You need to take measures to prevent this from happening, and you need to understand the signs of a pest infestation. If you don’t stop these pests in their tracks, you could end up with a patchy, dead yard even when the temperature warms up again. Make sure you rely on a professional team with the experience necessary to help you protect your lawn from harm this winter.

Rely on Black Diamond Garden Center and Lawn Service

If you want to get your lawn ready for the winter season, then you need to rely on a lawn fertilizer program Toledo to help you. At Black Diamond Garden Center and Lawn Service, we are a lawn service company in Toledo, and we can help you make sure your landscape is ready for the winter. We will make sure your lawn has access to the nutrients it needs to survive the winter and grow back healthy during the spring. Contact us today!

Source Url :- https://amazingviralnew.com/what-happens-to-your-lawn-in-the-winter/


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