How to Keep Lawn Grubs Off Your Lawn

 When you observe signs of drought, give them plenty of water. Because beetles prefer moist lawns, do not water your grass frequently with mild watering. As you may know, beetles are the source of grass grubs, which are beetle larvae.

When you notice these small grubs sneaking into your lawn, you have two options for treatment. Lawn grub damage occurs primarily in the months of August and September.

Because beetles mate and deposit eggs from June to August, this is the case. As a result, when the larvae are still young in August and September, they feed on your grassroots to survive.

When the soil temperature begins to cool in the months of October and November, the grubs will crawl deeper into the soil. In most cases, you will not see grubs in your grass over the winter. They're hidden beneath your grass, waiting for the next opportunity to attack it.

They'll reappear in the root zone in early spring and begin feasting. Because they are already a little bigger, controlling them at this point may be tough.

If you wish to rescue your grass from grubs, use treatments between July and September, when the larvae are still young and feeding near the surface.

Commercially available pesticides designed exclusively for grubs are available. They're sold in hardware stores. Diazinon, chlorpyrifos, and isofenophos are a few of the chemicals that are efficient against grubs.

While they are readily available, you must rigorously adhere to the instructions on the label. Alternatively, you can inquire with the store clerk about how to use the insecticide against lawn grubs.

Organic solutions might be useful if you do not want to use chemical insecticides because they may affect your family.

You can find predatory nematodes that will assist you to fight the grubs by parasitizing them and killing them in the process.


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