Lawn Grubs and How to Get Rid of Them

 Lawn grubs, also called curl grubs, have a white C-shaped body and a brown or black head. They are lawn beetle larvae that reside beneath the soil surface. They are known as white curl grubs because they feed on the roots of the grass and can completely ruin your lawn in a matter of weeks.

Grubs are most active throughout the warmer months of the year, from early spring to late summer and early autumn. Lawn grubs may wreak havoc on your lawns before you even realize they're there. Here are some methods for detecting and managing them before they cause significant damage to your lawn.

For any sort of lawn grub, a pesticide with a long-term effect is recommended. Because grubs are most active at night, the herbicide should be applied before the sun sets. They will die if they eat pesticide-laced grass. Because pesticides dig deeper into the ground over the winter, it is best to use them in the spring and summer.

When strolling over your lawn, you must wear spiky aerator shoes, often known as spikes of death. This is the most popular way of controlling the Japanese beetle because it provides dual benefits: it aerates your lawn while also killing the grubs.

The scientific name for an organic remedy that works better if your grass has a high concentration of grubs is Milky Disease. The more grubs you have, the more likely you are to reduce their number. Milky disease solution can reside on your lawn for an extended time so you do not need to reapply it. Moreover, researches show that milky disease only affects white grubs and Japanese beetles.


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