How to Get Rid of the Horrible Lawn Grub

 Dreaded is not too harsh a word. This small, simple pest feeds off grassroots and if left alone, will quickly destroy your yard. Damage starts as spongy patches on your lawn, then moves on to large dead patches; it can even go so far as to attract small creatures like raccoons, skunks, and birds, who dig up those spots to get at the grubs. Before you know it, your green grass has turned into a patchy brown minefield. The good news is that using the right lawn grubs treatment will quickly destroy the lawn grub. Here are the five things you need to know.

Nematodes are their worst enemy. A nematode is a microscopic roundworm that feeds off a wide range of larva, including grubs, other white grubs, borers, beetle grubs, masked chafer cutworms, and root weevils, black vine weevils, flea larvae, and leafminers. It is a natural predator so small you can't even see them.
Nematodes are safe to use. Unlike chemicals, nematodes only harm the bad bugs. They don't hurt the environment, and they don't target earthworms, birds, or other beneficial insects. Your yard will be immediately ready for work or play without worrying about toxins while the lawn grub is being destroyed.


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