The Lawn Service Industry and Its Products Explored

 The last few years have witnessed the clear emergence and prolific growth of an industry that was hitherto virtually nonexistent. The industry we are talking about is the lawn service industry. Twenty years, or even fifteen years ago, this was virtually unheard of in the industry. It is not that people didn't have lawns then - we have always had lawns for centuries, if not millennia. Rather it is because people didn't take very particular care of their lawns, and were as such, not willing to spend substantial sums of money on their care. Subsequent years, however, have given rise to a trend where people are increasingly ready to spend and spend some more on their lawns and general 'landscape management,' with the trend being what eventually gave birth to what we refer to as the lawn service industry.

The lawn service industry employs thousands upon thousands of people all over the world in various capacities. Aggregated figures are hard to come by, as this is one industry that is yet to recognize itself as being one entity.

It is also the sort of industry where people tend to work on a casual basis, meaning that the people who may be working on it today could turn out to be extremely different from the people you find in the industry ten months down the line. But at any given point in time, you are certain to find the aforementioned thousands upon thousands of people working in various capacities in the lawn service industry.

An industry is, by the way, defined as an aggregation of firms providing a similar (or almost similar product), and usually competing against one another. There are, of course, single firm industries - where the whole business is dominated by a single monopolistic player - but such industries are rare, and getting even rarer by the day as most countries in the world embrace economic liberalization. The lawn service industry, on its part, is a true industry: one that is an aggregation of numerous firms, providing various lawn services in their respective jurisdictions. It is usually the sort of industry where the typical firm tends to be rather small. Most lawn service firms are, indeed, constituted of less than ten staff members, and this is the sort of industry where a firm with a hundred people would be considered a big firm, with a firm that boasts of a thousand being considered a 'giant.'

The product of the lawn service industry is a service. The service comes in handy for the people and organizations who are keen on having good-looking lawns, but who don't have the time and energy for the labor that goes into the making of such good-looking lawns. The lawn service firms step in the gap, with their promise to give you the lawn you desire for a fee. All you typically have to do is show them the plot where you want the lawn established (whatever its current state), give them the agreed fees, and several months down the line, you will have a fantastic lawn right there.


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